This is how to give your brushes a deep, pro-level clean (and why it's so important)


When was the last time you washed your makeup brushes? Yeah, thought so. Don't worry, you're not the only one. In fact, according to one survey, 39% of makeup brush users clean them less regularly than once per month - and 22% admitted to never cleaning their brushes.

Somehow, even though we know dirty makeup brushes can cause breakouts and are all round a bit grim, there's very few (if any) of us who can say hand-on-heart that we wash our face tools as regularly as we should. It's hardly surprising; it's a boring bit of beauty admin that is all too easily pushed the the wayside. Plus, it means leaving your brushes to dry for 12 hours, during which time they are out of action.

However, if your brushes currently caked in makeup and you can't see the original colour of the bristles anymore... the time has probably come to face up to the fact they need a good clean. Plus, it's good practice to keep our beauty regime and makeup bag sanitised to ward off potentially harmful bugs and bacteria.

"Layers of oil from your skin, mixed with makeup pigments and dead skin cells, make brushes a breeding ground for bacteria," reveals makeup artist, Caroline Barnes, which you can probably guess isn't exactly good news for your skin...

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