As you age, spotting a few pesky grey strands in between your hair colouring sessions is quite common. Chances are you will spot them while passing through the makeup aisle section and take a look at your reflection in the mirror, or when you go to the restroom. They will pop right before an important event and when you don’t have the time for an at home touch-up.

During times like these, having a quick trick up your sleeve will be helpful right? That’s exactly what we’re going to help you with! Use this simple mascara hack the next time you spot a grey strand right before spotting out of the house.

  • Pick mascara in black or one that closely matches your hair colour.
  • Remove excess product from the wand.
  • Now wipe the length of your grey hair with this wand to make the strand disappear.
  • You will have to cover one strand at a time.
  • Wait for at least 10 minutes, so that it doesn’t smear off or comes on your hands.

This hack will ensure your grey strand stays covered with mascara until you wash your hair with shampoo. Use this quick grey roots touch up trick only in times of emergency and don’t miss out on your regular colouring sessions to avoid grey strand surprises.

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