Come summer and most beach lovers start planning a vacay by the sea. We understand the vibe! Even though you are aware that summer brings more heat and more exposure to the Sun, the idea of lying on the beach for hours with a summer drink and a book to read brings happiness. However, the gift of sun tan isn’t exactly the kind of reminder everyone wishes to keep.


Sun tanning isn’t just about the darkening of the skin, the target concern caused by tanning is skin damage that may lead to skin cancer. Most men do not apply sunscreen religiously which makes their skin more prone to damage. As a man, your skin is naturally thicker in comparison to a woman’s skin. This makes the tan removal process a bigger challenge for you but it is not something you cannot take care of.

What Is Sun Tanning?

The process of the darkening of your natural skin colour after being exposed to direct sun rays is called sun tanning or simply tanning. Moderate exposure to direct sunlight contributes to the production of melanin, a brown pigment that is responsible for your skin colour and vitamin D in the body. How much you tan depends on your skin type, natural skin colour, and genetics.


The Sun’s Ultraviolet A radiation aka UVA rays penetrates the innermost layer of the skin’s surface triggering melanin production. It is bad news because this kind of skin damage can lead to serious problems like skin cancer in the future. UVB radiation attacks the topmost layer of the skin and assists in causing skin cancer and sunburns and damages the skin’s DNA. 

Simple & Effective Home Remedies To Remove Sun Tan For Men

Sun tan naturally fades away and your skin starts returning to its natural colour within a few weeks unless you’re continuously exposing it to the Sun. However, due to the pigmentation or uneven skin tone, most people wish to get rid of sun tan as soon as possible. There are a few simple yet effective home remedies that can help you with the process.

Honey and Lemon Mask

Whenever wondering how to remove sun tan, feel free to think of lemon as your skin’s friend. It’s a natural bleaching agent. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Apply it to your face. Leave it for 30 minutes and then, wash it off with cold water. 

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