How to Properly Apply Concealer


Concealer is the one staple in a woman's beauty arsenal that can dramatically change your appearance. Used correctly, concealer can brighten a tired face, it can cover up blemishes and it can totally conceal under-eye circles. In fact, many beauty editors use concealer primarily and skip foundation completely.

I find many women are afraid of concealers because they don't know how to find the right shade or apply it properly. It can be daunting, but once you know the basics and try the application process below, you'll find concealer maybe your best beauty purchase to date.

Choose Your Perfect Concealer

There are so many types of concealers on the market, choosing one can be daunting. Keep in mind concealer is not a beauty product to scrimp on.

A basic rule of thumb is to choose a concealer that's yellow-based and a shade or two lighter than your skin tone. Don't go too light or you could end up with the dreaded raccoon look. If your skin is darker in summer, you should choose a darker shade for summer months and a lighter one for other months.

To test shades, try them out at department store beauty counters or Sephora. Just don't get suckered into a full-makeover at the cosmetics counter.

For more detailed information, read how to choose the right shade of concealer.

Should You Apply Concealer Before or After Foundation?

This depends on where you're using the concealer. For under-eye circles, apply concealer first, then foundation. For blemishes and pimple coverage, apply foundation first or the concealer could be rubbed away in the foundation application.

How to Apply Concealer

Concealer looks most natural when you work in "sheer layers and build it up gradually," according to the editors of Allure's "Confessions of a Beauty Editor" 

There's no one way to apply concealer. Sometimes I use my fingers, most days I use Sephora's classic concealer brush, which I was told about by a makeup expert 

Follow these directions to get great results: 

  1. Apply several dots of concealer under the eyes close to the lashes. Apply a dot to the inside corners of the eyes. You can use your finger or, for best results, use a concealer brush.
  2. Using the pad of your middle finger or your brush, tap in the concealer (always tap, never rub). Make sure to blend well. You can also use your index finger. There's no real rule to it, but I find the middle finger tends to be more gentle.
  3. Apply concealer on other uneven spots on the face — including the chin, and around the nose and mouth if need be — and tap in.
  4. Apply another layer if you need more coverage.
  5. Dust fine, loose powder over your face to set your concealer. According to makeup artist Scott Barnes in Allure Magazine, loose powder applied with a fluffy brush is "the secret to good concealer."
  6. Read more

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