Salicylic and glycolic acid are some of the most popular skincare acids and may already be a part of your beauty routine. But there’s one more acid that deserves a lot more attention than it actually gets – kojic acid. Naturally derived from mushrooms, this ingredient works wonders for those suffering from hyperpigmentation and skin discolouration.

It is available in various forms and can be found in moisturisers, serums as well as face masks. If you have skin discolouration or hyperpigmentation on your cheeks, it may be time to update your beauty routine and add this ingredient to your skincare routine ASAP.

Benefits of using kojic acid:

  • Tyrosinase is an enzyme that produces melanin, excess of this melanin causes hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Kojic acid targets tyrosinase and helps fade spots caused due to sun damage, acne scars as well as melasma.
  • Kojic acid also works as an anti-oxidant which means it prevents free radical damage caused by UV rays and pollution. This helps correct uneven skin tone and protects the skin from the signs of ageing.
  • Apart from its excellent skin-lightening properties, kojic acid also acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. This helps address several skin conditions.
  • How to use kojic acid?

Kojic acid is quite beneficial, however, those with sensitive skin type should do a patch test before using it. It is recommended to use it not more than 2-3 times per week. Slowly introduce kojic acid-based products into your beauty routine. Start by using it once a week and then twice to allow your skin to get used to the product. Regular use of kojic acid may also make your skin more vulnerable to the harsh rays of the sun, therefore it is essential to apply and reapply sunscreen every few hours.

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