The Best Skincare Routine For Oily Skin

Oily skin is not just something teenagers combat. This type of skin can present some unique challenges but can easily be cared for with the right skincare routine and products. The Skin Spot offers medical-grade skincare and guidance on how to use each product. This will take the guesswork out of creating a skincare routine for oily skin, or any other skin type you may be dealing with.  

Here’s what you need to know about oily skin and what you can do to care for it. Spoiler alert: It’s not as complicated as you may think!

What Causes Oily Skin?

Oily skin can be the result of genetics, hormones, age, stress, diet choices, using the wrong skincare products, or even the climate in which you live. The result, no matter the cause, remains the same: oily skin.

What causes the skin to become oily? It can all be pinned on overactive oil glands, also called sebaceous glands, in the skin. Whatever the root cause of your oily skin, the only way to combat it is with a great skincare routine.

The Symptoms of Oily Skin

Everyone’s skin produces oil, but to understand if you fall into the category of oily skin type, there are a few things to be on the lookout for.

The telltale signs of oily skin include:

Frequent breakouts, especially when you’re experiencing hormone fluctuations.
Shiny, oily-feeling skin within an hour after cleansing.
Noticeable shine or grease in the T-zone, which constitutes your forehead, nose, and chin.
Large, noticeable pores.
Rough or thick-looking skin.
What can throw a lot of people off the trail of oily skin is that they have a T-zone that seems very oily, but their cheeks may be dry and flaky. In this case, you may have combination skin but still struggle with all the things those with oily skin do.

Are There Any Advantages to Oily Skin?
Many people associate oily skin with bad things such as breakouts and shine, but the reality is that oily skin isn’t all bad. The oils your skin produces help to keep it plump and hydrated, so you may not notice the early signs of aging that people with dry skin do.

The Best Skincare Routine for Oily Skin
The best plan of attack when it comes to oily skin is to make sure to execute a skincare routine both in the morning and at night.

The Morning
Follow these steps for your daytime skincare routine:

A gentle cleanser in the morning will help to relieve oiliness. A gel or foam cleanser is a great choice because they help to unclog pores and remove excess oil without dehydrating or stripping the skin.

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