Homemade Hair Detox Shampoos And Masks To Heal Your Mane Naturally


The choice to keep the hairs on your head long and heavy may be very rewarding as it enhances appearance. However, the only clause here is “if it must stay long, then it must be kept healthy”. To do this, there are myriads of hair care products that may be found in markets, saloons, spas, and every other place you may think of getting such products. Unfortunately, a good number of these products are made with chemical toxins which may cause harm to your mane health over time. To rid your mane of choking, growth-unfriendly and unhealthy elements caused by these chemicals in hair products, there is a need for regular detoxification.

Mane Detoxification

Mane detoxification is the method of drawing toxins and dead cells out of your hair to keep the scalp clean and stimulate hair follicles. As crucial as this is, you can easily do every aspect of it yourself using homemade detoxifying shampoos and masks. First, let’s look at some practices that may make your mane unhealthy.

Practices that make your mane Unhealthy

Some practices may get your mane looking unhealthy and eventually cause damage if you do not identify them early. Some of them include:

1. Wrong Choice of Hair Products:
Some hidden chemicals in your hair care products (most of which have no short-term effect) may be unhealthy to your mane in the long term. Certain hair products contain chemicals that should not be let anywhere close to your hair. Using these products over time may greatly contribute to the damage of your mane.

2. Brushing your hair when it’s still wet:
This is a very common practice that must be discouraged. To preserve the health of your mane which is most fragile when it is wet, you need to leave it to get halfway dry before brushing it.

3. Excess use of Shampoo and Conditioners:
Whatever you use excessively may become unhealthy, this is the same for shampoos and conditioners. Identifying your hair goals and sticking to a modest use of the products that provide it is key.

4. Daily Washing Of The Hair:
Washing your hair once, every two or three days instead of daily may help protect your scalp. It may reduce the demand on the scalp to produce those natural oils that keep your hair shiny.

5. Regular use of the same Hair Products:
Regular use of the same hair products over time may leave a build-up on your scalp after your mane has adapted to them (2).

6. Other factors:
Such as towel drying the hair, profuse heat styling amongst others may adversely affect hair health.

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