When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you think of:

  • Need Coffee!?
  • Time to Workout?
  • Breakfast, I’m starving?
  • What am I going to wear today?

With all of the decisions, we have to make in a day, wondering if we look nice and stylish shouldn’t be one of them. It’s not if you should dress nice, dressing nice should be your default, but how to dress nice every day without much thought and effort.

Getting dressed in the morning should be fun and energizing. You’re setting the tone for the rest of the day. Don’t you want it to be a good one?

When you love your outfit, it makes you feel more confident, beautiful and gives you that extra pep in your step. You smile when you look in the mirror and know that you are ready to take on the day!

I know you’ve been on the opposite side of this before. This happens to the best of us. Well. I don’t know if it happens to Anna Wintour, but it does happen to me. When you’re late, frantically pulling out different pieces from your closet and have nothing look nice together then leave your home with an outfit that you are unsure about. You are a little less confident, a little less happy, and worst you start your day off frazzled and unsure.

I know you understand the importance of achieving an everyday style that you love, so let’s dive into how you can dress nice, be stylish, and look better, so you feel when you step out the door to take on the day!

You cannot have a fantastic day with a horrible outfit. It’s not good for our spirits or confidence. There are better days than others, but that is not an excuse for putting together a horrible outfit.

What if you were to run into someone you know? Would you duck and hide? Avoid them? If you answered yes, then you MUST continue reading this style guide! Not skim…read.


I try to dress nice on most days, not just on special occasions or when heading outside to meet other people. My getting ready routine boils down to a simple checklist. This is how I make sure I dress nice and look stylish everyday. Whether I’m putting together a business casual outfit for work or a casual weekend white jeans outfit, this checklist still applies.

Because you can’t just throw your outfit together willy nilly and expect it to look stylish every time. You might get lucky a couple of times, but there is a system for your preparation. I follow this checklist before I leave the house.

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