4 Essential Foot Care Tips You Need To Know


Your feet are the workhorses of your body. Are you giving them enough love, care, and pampering? If you’re missing out on caring for your feet, here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started with a healthy foot care regime.

Why Is Foot Care Important?

The quality of one’s life depends a lot on self-sufficiency, which is directly related to the health of one’s feet. If your feet hurt while walking around, you won’t be able to function at your best. Even if you spend most of your time at home, you will still need to be able to get around for basic things.

Poor foot health can limit your physical activity. This in turn can lead to a higher risk of lifestyle diseases like heart disease or diabetes. On the other hand, if you already have diabetes, it is essential to take proper care of your feet, to avoid diabetes-related foot conditions. Check with your doctor to ensure you are taking adequate preventive foot care

4 Tips For Proper Foot Care

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you take proper care of your feet:

1. Clean Your Feet

Begin with removing your toenail paint. This will allow you to examine your nails closely and look for any infection. Acetone-free polish removers are the best because regular use of acetone-based cleansers can make the nail plate thin and fragile.

Next, trim your toenails using a clean stainless steel clipper. Be careful while trimming the toenails, so you don’t hurt the cuticle. Cuticle injuries can lead to bleeding or bacterial infection in the cuticle bed.

Ensure there are no ingrown nails. Cut the corners of your toenails into round edges to avoid ingrown nails.

Now, soak your feet for 15-20 minutes in lukewarm water. Add some mild shampoo to it. Use a soft brush to scrub your feet gently. This will help to loosen the dirt and hardened layers of skin on your heels.

If you have corn and calluses, use a pumice stone to trim them.

You can do this once a week.

2. Moisturize

After scrubbing your feet, dry them with a clean, soft towel. Apply moisturizer generously and massage your feet. Using natural butters like shea or cocoa butter can keep your feet soft and hydrated. If your heels are too cracked, look for a foot cream with an emollient. Choosing a product tailored to your skin type and individual requirements can make a huge difference.

Next, wear a pair of socks or wrap your feet with a plastic sheet for an hour or two. This will help in better absorption of the moisturizer. Known as occlusion therapy, this helps immensely if you have dry and flaky feet.

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