Everything You Should Know About Getting Lip Filler, According To Someone Who’s Had It


If you know me, you might not expect me to be a fan of lip filler. After all, I rarely get my nails done, I can’t stand false lashes and never spray tan. For me, many beauty treatments are just too uncomfortable and fade too quickly, and I don’t like the cycle of constant enhancement. But the idea of a single treatment that could help provide an extra boost of self-confidence about how I look? It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.

Since I was first introduced to lip filler, I haven’t been swayed from my biannual top-ups. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way.

1. Be VERY picky about your injector

When I first Googled ‘lip injections’, I found a laundry list of providers. As a natural worrier, my head filled with images of botched, swollen horror-shows. So I narrowed my search, checked the reviews and did my research.

Alice Henshaw, owner and founder of Harley Street Injectables and Skincycles skincare, says finding the right practitioner is one of the most important steps you can take. She recommends choosing one with a medical background (a nurse prescriber, doctor or dentist). ‘In the UK, you do not have to be a medical professional to inject filler,’ she explains. But for peace of mind, I definitely wanted a highly-qualified person.

2. Ask a million questions

I settled on a medical clinic and found a board-certified physician assistant injector. Before scheduling my appointment, I read the pre- and post-care tips while voraciously scouring the internet for first-person accounts and videos.

It’s really important to do your research, but you don’t need to go down a rabbit hole. Just make sure you have a proper consultation and speak to your practitioner to voice all your questions and concerns, and ask whatever you need to in order to feel calm and confident.

3. Choose the right filler

The right practitioner will have the experience and expertise to help guide you to the right product. I chose Juvéderm – here’s why: Juvéderm is made from synthesised hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance found in our skin. As Henshaw explains, ‘HA plays a major role in keeping skin hydrated and volumised.’

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