Four Effective DIY Home Remedies To Naturally Get Rid Upper Lip Hair


First thing first, there is nothing wrong with having facial hair. It’s fine if you want to remove it and even great if you don’t. However, removing facial hair need not be painful and expensive, in fact, you can do it for free by using some natural ways. Here we have enlisted some easy DIY home remedies that will help you get rid of them without going through any pain.

Turmeric And Milk

The excessive facial hair growth can be greatly curtailed by this turmeric and milk mask. Not only this sticky mask will peel off all your excessive hair, but will also nourish your skin. Apart from this turmeric will cleanse your skin and beautifies it. Milk, on the other hand, will keep your skin smooth and plump. Simply, mix 1 tbsp of turmeric powder with 1 tbsp of milk. Apply this mixture on your upper lip with your fingers. Wash it off once it dries off. 

Honey And Lemon

When honey and lemon merge together, you know you’re going to get rid of the unwanted hair for GOOD! Honey acts as an exfoliant and lemon juice has bleaching properties. To prepare this mask, start with mixing 1 tbsp of honey with 1/2 tbsp of lemon juice.  Apply the mixture on your upper lip area and apply it on your upper lip region. Leave it on dry for about 30 minutes and then peel it off. Repeat this procedure once a week to get effective results.

Egg Mask

Egg mask is one of the best home remedies for facial hair. This sticky mix will not only remove hair naturally, but will also help cut down hair growth. To prepare this mask, whisk 1 egg white and add 1/2 tsp corn flour and 1 tbsp of sugar to it. Mix well and apply this paste on your upper lip.  Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes and once it has hardened you can rub it off gently.

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