Natural Remedies For Dry Hair


Styling your hair gives you an instant makeover, and coloring it boosts your confidence. But what’s the outcome? Hair that is dry, damaged, and coarse. You seldom realize what constant heat styling, blowdrying, and chemical treatments do to your lovely tresses.

If you want to reverse all the damage done to your hair, moisturizing is key. However, you should also know how to moisturize your hair the right way. In this article, we have discussed the causes of dry hair and ways to moisturize it. Scroll down to take a look!

The Causes Of Dry Hair

There are several reasons for dry hair. If your scalp does not produce sufficient sebum, your hair may become dry. With age, the sebum production starts to decrease. This condition leads to dry, brittle hair that lacks moisture.

Other factors that can lead to dry hair include:

Excess Use Of Styling Tools: The heat from the styling tools like hot rollers, curlers, flat irons, and blowdryers strips the natural moisture of your hair and makes it dry. Dyeing and chemical treatments also often contribute to dry hair.

Frequent Shampooing: Shampooing frequently can make your hair dry. The harsh chemicals in the shampoo can damage your hair and cause frizz. Also, not using a conditioner after shampooing can make your hair look dry, dull, and lifeless.

Harsh Environmental Conditions: Exposing your hair to the wind, sun, chlorine, and harsh climatic conditions can make it dull and dry.

Bad Brushing: Metal hair brushes with uneven bristles can make your hair dry and lead to breakage.

Try out these simple yet effective ways to get back to your soft and lush locks.

Best Ways To Moisturize Your Hair

1. Use A Moisturizing Shampoo And Conditioner

Use hydrating shampoos and deep conditioners best-suited for your hair type. You can also opt for leave-in conditioners that add extra moisture to your hair. These products can replenish the lost moisture of your dry hair and help nourish it.

2. Switch To Cold Water Rinse

Rinsing your hair with hot water can strip its natural moisture and oil. This makes your hair dry, frizzy, and brittle. Cold water seals the hair moisture and scalp pores, preventing the entry of dirt and impurities.

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