How to Naturally Lighten Hair: 6 Easy Methods That Work


You can learn how to naturally lighten hair with some very easy home remedies! You can get started right away by following a few quick steps.

How Lemon Juice Works to Lighten Hair

Lemon juice creates photosensitivity, a heightened reaction to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Lemon is highly acidic, so when you apply it to your hair, it will change the pH in your hair. The heat from the sun will force the hair cuticles to open, allowing the lemon juice to lift the pigment in your hair. If your hair has been chemically treated, lemon juice probably won't work, depending on the chemicals used to treat your hair. You might get a little lift, but chances are, you won't get any lift.

How to Use Lemon Juice and Water to Lighten Your Hair

First, you should at the very least dilute the lemon juice with water. No matter how tough your hair is, this will help protect it. You can also choose from a number of lemon mixture variations. Always use freshly squeezed lemon juice. You'll need a new/clean small spray bottle.


Spray bottle

Towel to protect shoulders, clothing

Short Hair Ingredients

½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

½ cup warm water

Long Hair Ingredients

1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 cup warm water


Pour the lemon juice and warm water into the spray bottle and shake to blend.

Wet your hair and towel dry until damp.

Comb your wet hair.

Spray the lemon/water mixture onto your hair, careful not to get it on exposed skin, especially your face.

If you accidentally get it on your skin, immediately wash it off. Don't go into the sunlight with mixture on your skin. The acidity can irritate your skin, cause a rash, or even cause sunburn.

Sit in the sun for a minimum of 30 minutes. If your hair is darker, you can add 10 minutes to your first treatment.

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